Is Coffee Bad for Your Bones?
Age Like a Former Athlete
The Case for a Breakfast Feast
Avoid Strangers’ Dick Pics by Turning Off Airdrop on Your Phone
Old school: skeezy dude on the subway pleasuring himself in public. New school: skeezy dude on the subway airdropping you a dick pic.…
The Case for the Adult Lunchable
Last week, when all of the writers came together for a glorious meeting in New York, I found myself in a bodega with Beth and Patrick, looking for bottles of water and nourishing snacks.…
What Items Are Always Stocked in Your Fridge?
Hello, and welcome back to What’s Cooking?, the open thread where you get to share all of your brilliant thoughts, advice, recipes, and opinions on all things food-related.…
How to Make Sure Your Kid Has Great Musical Taste
I used to hate kids. Now that I have two of them, I’m okay admitting that. In my twenties, I went around swearing I would never spawn—instead, I’d travel the world wild and free without ever having to change a diaper, listen to Barney songs, or pick up half-chewed Oreos from the floor.…
You Still Have to Finish Your Antibiotics, But Ask These Questions First
You’ve seen the labels on your antibiotic prescriptions: “FINISH ALL THIS MEDICATION unless otherwise directed by prescriber.” It’s been dogma for years, but this rule might not actually be the best way to prevent antibiotic resistance.…
Men: Don’t Wear Shorts to Work
I have some strong opinions about fashion. Despite wearing the same monochromatic outfit to work nearly every day, I’m a fan of sartorial elegance, tailored suits, and yes, the occasional set of suspenders.…
Add All of These Science Fiction and Fantasy Books to Your August Reading List
August brings the final book in N.K. Jemison’s Hugo-winning Broken Earth trilogy, The Stone Sky—as well as Stephen Baxter’s sequel to H.G.…