German ambassador attended Canadian honoring of WWII Nazi – Berlin

Berlin has claimed that its diplomat was not aware that Yaroslav Hunka fought with the Waffen SS

Germany’s Foreign Office has shrugged off the participation of its ambassador to Canada in last week’s embarrassing standing ovations for a Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen SS, saying she was unaware that he was a Nazi when she joined with Ottawa lawmakers in applauding him.…

Pokémon are coming to the Van Gogh Museum to teach the world about art

On the left, a painting of a Pikachu in the style of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Self Portrait with Grey Felt Hat.” On the right, Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Self Portrait with Grey Felt Hat.”
A comparison of ‘Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat’ and Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Self Portrait with Grey Felt Hat’ | The Pokémon Company, the Van Gogh Museum

If the Pokémon Company’s video teasing its upcoming collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum was already enough to have you thinking about booking a ticket to Amsterdam, the promise of an impressionistic Pikachu promo card might just do the trick.…