US lawmakers demand cognitive test for Biden

A letter signed by 84 House Republicans has called for the president to prove his mental fitness following a damning report

A former White House physician and 83 other US House Republicans have raised “grave concerns” about President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities, saying he should be tested to prove his fitness for office after a prosecutor’s report suggested that he was too elderly and befuddled to stand trial.…

YoMix Replaces Sanctioned Sinbad Mixer for Lazarus Hacker Group: Chainalysis

After sanctions were imposed on Tornado Cash and Sinbad was shut down following similar actions against the platform, Chainalysis revealed that YoMix, a Bitcoin mixer, has stepped in as an alternative for the North Korean Lazarus Group

Recent discoveries by the blockchain analysis firm show that a wallet linked to North Korean hacking operations received funds from YoMix, whereas it used to receive funds from Sinbad.