ESR takes a chance launching cases for 12.9-inch iPad Air before announcement

Before the expected 12.9-inch iPad Air has even been confirmed, ESR has launched a range of case models for it.

Tablet with video editing software open on a stand with a blurred background of a room.
A 12.9-inch iPad Air on an ESR magnetic case

ESR already makes a range of Qi2 charging devices for the iPhone, and its lower-cost alternative to the Apple Pencil has been praised. Now it's released a case for a product that officially doesn't exist yet, and it's a gamble for both ESR and for customers.

It is as close to certain as it possibly can be that Apple will shortly release a 12.9-inch iPad Air. It's also close to certain that Apple will have already released information about it to at least some accessory makers — and ESR is a long-standing third-party manufacturer.

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